Wednesday 28 March 2012

backsplash ideas

I've not decided on the backsplash design that we'll be using for our kitchen.

My first request was for my contractor to quote on white 4x4 inch tiles where this was my inspiration.

So when my contractor gave me the quotation, she instead quoted 2x2 inch tiles where it would look something like this (thanks, Google images - you're a lifesaver).

Susan Jablan
Which doesn't look bad at all, but not the look that I was going for.

Which also made me wonder, would my kitchen end up looking like a bathroom with all the tiles placed neatly side by side?

Unknown source
Maybe that's why the Americans love their signature subway tiles in their kitchens - tiles are stacked in a neat brick-like pattern instead.

But I was certain that I didn't want to go subway style because (dare I say), its too homey and traditional for me. And plus, I saw beautiful tiles in a Belgian kitchen before that was not subway.

Belgian Pearls
So my contractor explained to me that 2x2 inch tiles would cost less for installation as they come pre-installed as a mosaic of a bigger tile, stuck together with some mesh. Does that make sense to you? Well, it does in my head. But anyway, it's kind of like lots of tiles bound together to make one tile.

4x4 inch tiles would cost more as they would quote based on installation per tile - which I presume is smaller than the mosaic tile made of 2x2 tiles.

I'm not trying to give you all a high school math quiz, but in the end, I have to contemplate which one was worth the money.

So, I started googling up images of mosaic tiles so that I could convince myself to go for this option.

Here are some beautiful mosaic tiles used for kitchen backsplashes.

 Isn't it beautiful? The kitchen backsplash in the photo above uses mosaic linear glass tiles. It looks modern and sophisticated.

A mixture of grey and white mosaic tiles used here.

The use of glass linear mosaic tiles here is gorgeous as they are of different sizes.

This is the same kitchen from one of the photos above, but I love the whole kitchen, so I thought I'd just show it to you.

Eclectic Revisted
I've shown this photo on my blog before. But I just noticed that the bright ocean blue backsplash is actually mosaic. So pretty.

Mosaic tiles can actually bring depth to a rustic-industrial inspired kitchen!

So, after this, I'm going to get my contractor to quote on linear glass mosaic tiles and will decide after that!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. hi amnah..
    this is bizu.. =)
    best baca blog amnah...
    anyway,nak bg suggestion sikit...
    kalau amnah masih nak mosaic 4x4 untuk kitchen,ada je mosaic 4x4 yang datang dalam 1 tile..
    contohnye brand niro granite..
    brand ni mmg high end punye tiles and of course harga pun quite xpensive from others
    but highly recommended!
    no worries in spending lebih sikit utk tiles sbb usually, tiles yg mahal, quality dia bagus...
    bile quality nye bagus,dia cepat kering bile basah...
    so,kurang possibility untuk berlumut...
    pada pendpt kita,amnah patut tanya contractor tu,brand ape yang dia suggest n buat research pasal brand tu...tu lebih baik...
    sama ada pakai 4x4 atau 2x2, both pun ada design yang cantik2 sekrang ni...
    cuba bukak website ni,
    tiles yang 'linear mosaic in dif. sizes' pun ada...
    kalau bole request dekat contractor tu, request nak tiles apa...
    minta dia bawak catalog n sample...
    amnah dah betul2 puas hati, baru confirm...
    another brand as suggestion,
    apex - (banyak glass tiles)
    murano -

    1. Hi Bizu, thanks so much for the helpful info! I will check out the websites and ask my contractor on it. :-))

  2. Just a quick note--I wound up going with a dark black/brown counter. I will post photos in a later update.

    Glass Tile and Mosaic Tile

  3. These are really cool idea! I also suggest mounting some glass splashbacks.

  4. Your website is wonderful, let alone the content material!
    Tiles NI

  5. Your website is wonderful, let alone the content material!
    Tiles NI

  6. Hi!

    I hope you are still accepting comments. I think that these designs are great but you never get the full impact of the tile unless you physically touch it and see it live.

    Tiles truly can dynamically change a room and working with a local supplier is your best option.

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