Wednesday 23 May 2012

floor cushions...

I got this message from a dear friend of mine...

"Amnah, what should I do when my idea of living room decor is not materialised because my husband's idea of decor is a sleeping mat and pillows on the sofa 24 seven? I can't seem to decorate it because it just looks like a big messy bedroom... should I move the TV elsewhere so that the living room does not look like a bedroom?"

My suggestion would be to either move the TV to a bedroom...

Master Bedroom modern bedroom

Or if you don't like the idea of having a noisy TV in your bedroom, how about getting comfortable and pretty floor cushions for that extra comfort the husband is craving for while he watches his favourite shows?

These would be my picks for flat floor cushions...

Pottery Barn


And oversized pillows look great too like the striped one in the photo above!

Here are some images of pretty rooms that look comfortable without the sleeping mats and extra pillows from the bedroom...

Home Design
Floor poufs and cushions make hanging out on the floor as comfy as sitting on the sofa in the outdoor room above.

via American Gypsy Living
On a good day, oversized floral pillows sit atop flat floor cushions neatly.

via Home Interior Design
These two floor cushions sit beneath the coffee table and can pulled out for extra seating when there are guests.

via American Gypsy Living
Textured floor pillows look great in this eclectic room.

source unknown
Floor pillows makes a room look more casual, inviting and less formal.

source unknown
source unknown
I really do like the idea of having floor pillows! It would be great for those lazy days enjoying my favourite shows on TV!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Nice one, Amnah. Ramai kut wife yg ada problem ni. Hihi.

    1. thanks, Anoneemus! Hope it helps a little with the wives! :-)

  2. Hi Amnah - Yes, move the TV to the bedroom. Like that one :) And, love those boxed-cushions from Kaboodle. I've not heard of them....will check them out. You have a great weekend! We have a long holiday weekend coming up....Monday is Memorial Day. Cheers from DC! Loi

  3. Your large floor cushions are really very highly functional items as these cushions ideally used indoor or as well as can use as garden bench cushions.
    I really like them all.


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